BMAA Resources

Watchdog Compliance Guide for Sales & Marketing
Australia & New Zealand

Watchdog Compliance Guide for Product Liability

Watchdog Compliance Guide for Price Comparisons (AU & NZ) 2023

Corded Internal Window Coverings

Supplier Verification for Corded Internal Window Coverings (AU)

Supplier Verification for Button Battery Products

Supplier Verification for Button Batteries

Watchdog Essentials: 
Understanding the Consumer Laws
We navigate the rules that have been crafted to safeguard consumer rights and ensure fair play in the Australian & New Zealand marketplaces. Our video guide covers business obligations, advertising, pricing and product safety requirements.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Making Environmental Claims

Is your business striving to connect with eco-conscious consumers in a meaningful way?
Join us as we explain the recently issued ACCC guidance on the 8 principles your business needs to follow when making environmental claims - in our 12 min 45 sec video guide.
Our guide will help your business to navigate the intricate landscape of eco-marketing with confidence and integrity.